Tuesday, May 26, 2009

A Taste of Torture

A taste of torture
A taste of torture

Torture to support lies

Liz Cheney stays silent about torture
Liz Cheney stays silent about torture

More Cheney confessions

Torture blame game continues
Torture blame game continues

Cheney implicates Bush

Cheney puts Bush in the torture picture
Cheney puts Bush in the torture picture

Torture Song

Cheney and torture


Not mentioned is the fact that in the case in question, the suspect's innocent children were also tortured.

Cheney mentions 9/11 as a turning point in his thinking. Among some thoughtful observers Cheney is a primary suspect in 9/11 with his actions on 9/11 and after still begging explanation. Maybe the "change" in thinking was the realization that he could get away with mass murder without protest from the main stream public. Of course his lies about the weapons of mass destruction, yellow cake uranium, etc. led to the deaths of 1.3 million innocent Iraqis, men, women, children, babies, and grandmothers, as well as thousands of American troops.

Hold the Torturers Accountable Or else we'll all be held accountable


Hold the Torturers Accountable

Or else we'll all be held accountable

by Rep. Ron Paul, May 26, 2009

While Congress is sidetracked by who said what to whom and when, our nation finds itself at a crossroads on the issue of torture. We are at a point where we must decide if torture is something that is now going to be considered justifiable and reasonable under certain circumstances, or is America better than that?

Read the complete article here